Centralia Foundation Park

Here amid wooded hill, dale and stream,
May little children laugh & romp,
Youth find healthful fun
and imaginative adventure,
Maturity seek peace & renewed faith.
Verne & Ella Joy
Throughtout the park, you will find an emphasis on maintaining a natural apperance. Once you enter you become engulfed by nature, leaving little notice to the outside world, ...however, despite this feeling of seclusions, you are still quite close to the community.
The seasonal beauty which the park offers is constantly chnging. One can be awed by the variety of plants, and trees, as well as wildlife that make the park their home.
The word "Foundation", by definition means; funds given for the permanent support of an institution. Consequently the park was named the
Centralia Foundation Parks System
Privately owned, privately funded,
yet open to the public-free of charge.
The park is open year-round from dawn until 11 pm daily.
The main road is closed through the winter months.
No alcoholic beverages are permitted.
No motor vehicles are allowed off the road.
In general, there is no charge for using any of the park's facilities, however donations are greatly appreciated.
There is a $100 fee for use of the park for a wedding.
When visiting the park please remember to...
Take only memories,
and leave only your footsteps.
For Shelter reservations or more information, please contact the Centralia Foundation at 618-532-7424